The images in this book span the seasons, showing scenes of farm life at each time of the year and how these activities shape the lives of his subjects. Many of them are living as their parents and grandparents did, in close knit communities bound by heritage, kinship, and faith. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Appalachian Mountains, over one hundred timeless black and white photographs provide a window onto a world that is quickly fading. Portraits of people in their homes and at work in the fields illuminate the richness and rhythms of everyday life.
A companion to The Face of Appalachia, this book, also printed by Mondadori Publishing in Italy, has 100 black-and-white images, reproduced in duotone for optimum quality. The photographs are complimented by oral histories derived from conversations between the photographer and his subjects. This union of photography and text honors the heritage, humor, and wisdom of these genuine and hardworking people, and captures a culture that most people will never experience firsthand, and allows readers to learn more about Appalachian culture.
The 160 page book (ISBN 978-0-393-06267-0) includes a Foreword by author and educator John Ehle and is available in 3 editions: Trade Hardback, Limited Edition, and Special Edition. Signed copies are available through Barnwell Photography. A traveling exhibit, containing thirty images and accompanying text panels from this book, is available to galleries, schools, and museums.
"All them days is gone, and in some ways that was the good old days. You had no money, but you wasn't going nowhere, so what did you need with money? You didn’t have no electricity, no light bill to pay. You had your cows, milk, butter; you had your hogs, eggs, chickens, and the horse if you wanted to go anywhere. You had to buy a little coffee, sugar, baking powder, soda, or salt, if you wanted, and that’s it. The rest of it, either you didn’t have it or you didn’t need it. I wouldn’t swap the way I was raised for anything, you name it. The only thing that we had plenty of was love. My mom and dad, they cared. They done the best they could do and that was good enough for me." -Harold Garrison (Oral History excerpt)